This page provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) for PyPGx. Please open a GitHub issue here if you don’t find answer to your question.

Reference vs. default star alleles

In the pharmacogenetic field, haplotypes and enzyme functions are always reported relative to the gene’s reference star allele (some people refer it as “wild-type” allele, but reference allele is the preferred term), instead of human assembly such as GRCh37 or GRCh38. For example, the CYP2D6 gene has CYP2D6*1 as reference allele. Now, if you look at the CYP2D6 sequence of GRCh37, you will find that it actually matches that of CYP2D6*2. When you do the same for GRCh38, its sequence matches that of CYP2D6*1. Therefore, the “default” alleles for GRCh37 and GRCh38 are CYP2D6*2 and *1, respectively. This also means, in order for a sample to have a CYP2D6*1/*1 diplotype in GRCh37, it will need to present some homozygous variants. This may sound a little bit strange at first (i.e. reference star allele requiring variants to be called), but I promise the more you think about it, the better it will make sense. Related GitHub issues: #51.

Flipped amino acid changes

In PyPGx you will notice that sometimes the variant database has amino acid changes that are opposite to what you see in other databases such as dbSNP. For example, PyPGx reports that the impact of rs2032582 from the ABCB1 gene as Ala893Ser instead of Ser893Ala in dbSNP. This is because the reference star allele, ABCB1*1, has 893Ala while the ABCB1 sequence for both GRCh37 and GRCh38 has 893Ser (i.e. ABCB1*2). See Reference vs. default star alleles for more information. Related GitHub issues: #52.

Multiple alleles in single haplotype

It’s possible, and fairly common, for single haplotype to fit the patterns of multiple star alleles. For example, let’s say there are two imaginary star alleles of your favorite gene: *A (which is defined by SNP1 and SNP2) and *B (which is defined by SNP3). When the three variants are haplotype phased together in cis, then the resulting haplotype will have two candidate star alleles to choose from: *A and *B. Now, PyPGx makes an opinionated pick to determine the final allele for reporting purposes. Basically, PyPGx picks the allele with the highest “priority” using the pypgx.sort_alleles() method (documentation).

Variant caller choice

Starting with the 0.14.0 version, it is strongly recommended to use the create-input-vcf command for creating a VCF file (containing SNVs/indels) from BAM files before running the NGS pipeline. Prior to this command, users had been instructed to create input VCF file from BAM files on their own using a variant caller of their choice (e.g. GATK4, bcftools, DRAGEN, DeepVariant). This can raise several potential problems such as decreased reproducibility of PyPGx results and users providing incorrectly formatted VCF to PyPGx. Another problem is the assumption that users are already familiar with the ins and outs of variant calling (e.g. know how to control the balance between sensitivity vs. specificity). PyPGx strongly recommends producing input VCF that contains all possible SNVs/indels to achieve maximum sensitivity because it will only use known variants for genotyping purposes anyways (i.e. variants used to define star alleles); therefore, PyPGx is actually quite robust against false positives. By introducing create-input-vcf, the main goal was to help standardize the NGS pipeline even further. Related GitHub issues: #54.

Disclaimer: There will be cases where more sophisticated variant callers are preferred, or even suitable, to generate input VCF for PyPGx. For example, if your samples are ancient DNA then you would probably want to use callers like ATLAS to correct for ancient DNA damage. Also, if you’ve already created input VCF for purposes other than running PyPGx and you want/need to be consistent with the other variant-level analyses you may also just use the same VCF for PyPGx. The bottom line is, if you are going to create your own input VCF, then you need to know what you are doing. Otherwise, it’s probably safer to use create-input-vcf.

chr22_KI270879v1_alt in GRCh38

Users may encounter an error like below when working with GRCh38 data:

$ pypgx prepare-depth-of-coverage \
depth-of-coverage.zip \
in.bam \
--assembly GRCh38
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/sbslee/opt/anaconda3/envs/fuc/bin/pypgx", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('pypgx', 'console_scripts', 'pypgx')())
  File "/Users/sbslee/Desktop/pypgx/pypgx/__main__.py", line 33, in main
  File "/Users/sbslee/Desktop/pypgx/pypgx/cli/prepare_depth_of_coverage.py", line 90, in main
    archive = utils.prepare_depth_of_coverage(
  File "/Users/sbslee/Desktop/pypgx/pypgx/api/utils.py", line 1247, in prepare_depth_of_coverage
    cf = pycov.CovFrame.from_bam(bams, regions=regions, zero=True)
  File "/Users/sbslee/Desktop/fuc/fuc/api/pycov.py", line 345, in from_bam
    results += pysam.depth(*(bams + args + ['-r', region]))
  File "/Users/sbslee/opt/anaconda3/envs/fuc/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pysam/utils.py", line 69, in __call__
    raise SamtoolsError(
pysam.utils.SamtoolsError: 'samtools returned with error 1: stdout=, stderr=samtools depth: cannot parse region "chr22_KI270879v1_alt:267307-281486"\n'

This is a GRCh38-specific issue. One of the genes with SV is GSTT1 and it is located in the contig chr22_KI270879v1_alt, which is missing in input BAM file. That’s why the prepare-depth-of-coverage command is complaining. To solve this issue, you can either re-align sequence reads in the presence of the contig in your FASTA reference genome or work around it by excluding GSTT1 from your analysis:

$ pypgx prepare-depth-of-coverage \
depth-of-coverage.zip \
in.bam \
--assembly GRCh38 \
--genes GSTT1 \

For more details, please see the following articles: GRCh37 vs. GRCh38 and GRCh38 data for GSTT1. Related GitHub issues: #65.

Phase-by-extension algorithm

This algorithm is used for haplotype phasing rare variants that are not present in the reference haplotype panel (i.e. cannot be phased statistically). The algorithm does not replace statistical phasing; it’s only supplementary. The algorithm utilizes haplotype information obtained by statistical phasing and a scoring system to determine which of the two haplotypes is more likely to carry the rare variant of interest, based on the total number of ‘tag’ SNPs related to that particular variant and also matching the observed haplotype, hence the algorithm’s name ‘phasing by haplotype extension.’ Take CYP2D6*21 as an example, which is defined by 2580_2581insC (core), 2851C>T (tag), and 4181G>C (tag). Both 2851C>T and 4181G>C are present in the 1KGP panel and thus statistically phasable, while 2580_2581insC is not. In order to call a sample with 2580_2581insC as having CYP2D6*21, PyPGx will first check which of the two haplotypes contains 2851C>T and 4181G>C and then assign 2580_2581insC to that haplotype. Note that the phase-by-extension algorithm can handle multiallelic sites in addition to biallelic sites.

Genotyping multiple genes

Many users have asked if it’s possible to genotype multiple genes simultaneously using a pipeline command (e.g. run-ngs-pipeline). The short answer is no; all the genotyping pipelines are designed to investigate a single gene at a time. However, one can easily loop through the target genes to achieve the same results:

for gene in `pypgx create-regions-bed --target-genes | awk '{print $4}'`
  pypgx run-ngs-pipeline \
  $gene \
  grch37-$gene-pipeline \
  --variants grch37-variants.vcf.gz \
  --depth-of-coverage grch37-depth-of-coverage.zip \
  --control-statistics grch37-control-statistics-VDR.zip